Saturday, May 14, 2011

some i doser doses ive tried

I've tried quite a few i doser doses; some of them were duds and some of them were a-bomb. That was an i-dosing joke. I don't by any means, not even a little bit, expect you to get that joke. Maybe if you read my review of a-bomb 2 you would understand. Oh, well now that I told you that I guess you get the joke now. I'm sorry it wasn't funny, wait you know what? I'm not sorry. I'm not even a little sorry. That joke was funny and you are going to laugh! Try out the i-doser doses though, they are pretty fun.

Info on how to get i doser free

If you aren't interested about reading about i doser experiences on my blog you can go ahead and check out my lens about how to get i doser free. You can find out exactly how here. It's pretty simple, you just have to read through the steps and you will be on your way to i-dosing. Seriously they are pretty cool though. When i tried them i was really into it. I heard about it and read a bunch of hilarious news reports about how parents were concerned their kids were doing digital drugs. Come on, are you really going to worry about that? It's not like it endangers you in any way. You are sitting or laying down the whole time. Did I mention sound cancelling headphones work great?

i doser free

Let's face it. When you first found out about i doser dosing and all of this mumbo jumbo did you really think you would even try it? Especially since some of the doses are $50+, i mean come on. There are some was to get i doser free but before you try it I hope you will give me a little credit and read about my i-dosing. It was pretty intense with a few of them. I mean, it wasn't like it was like i didn't know where i was or who i was but it was like i could feel sensations run through my body and those are what were exciting. It may have been placebo but that means my mind is capable of so many great things. Try I doser free now.